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  • P-ISSN 1738-656X
  • E-ISSN 2586-4130

한국개발연구. Vol. 34, No. 1, March 2012, pp. 137-168

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Detecting Protest Responses

Hyung na OH

Author & Article History

Manuscript received 21 October 2011; revision received 24 October 2011; accepted 15 December 2011.


This study analyzes ways to detect protest responses (hereafter, PR zero-bid) in the contingent valuation method (CVM). In order to distinguish PR zero-bids from true zero-bids (non-PR zero bids), this study adopts the concept of the implicit willingness to pay employing the Hicksian compensating surplus and the Taylor’s 1st order approximation. When a respondent proposes a zero-bid (i.e., WTP=0) and chooses a PR filtering item to indicate that her implicit WTP is not necessary zero, her response is identified as a PR zero bid. PR filtering items falling into the PR zero bids category include the uncertainty of information, distrust in the government and project achievement, disagreement to project plans, discontent with the fairness of public works and their payment method and animosity against the CVM itself. The empirical analysis shows that PR zero bids take place systematically in particular respondent groups: respondents who have never used similar facilities before nor plans to use the facility provided by the public project, the employed, and low income groups. In conclusion, the study suggests that a CVM questionnaire needs to be designed carefully to minimize problems associated with PR zero bids and the potential risks of having sample selection bias should be concerned.


지불거부응답(Protest Bids, Protest Responses), 조건부가치측정법(Contingent Valuation Methods), 선택 편의(Selectivity Bias)

JEL Code

D01, D81

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