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  • P-ISSN 1738-656X

한국개발연구. Vol. 33, No. 4, December 2011, pp. 143-177

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Analysis on Bidding Behavior in Score Auction: Highway BTO Projects

Jung wook Kim

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Manuscript .


Upon selecting preferred bidder in Public-Private Partnership projects, multi-dimensional procurement auction, where price factor and non-price factor are evaluated, is used. This paper tries to analyze bidding data in BTO road projects. It is shown that a winner tends to get higher score in bidding evaluation, which is partly due to increase in base score as well as fiercer competition among bidders. It turns out that score margin in non-price factor was determinant in selecting winner. Also, there was no competition when the level of bonus point was set too high. For price factor, it costs 730 million KRW per score in construction subsidy by government, while it costs 2.43 billion KRW per score in toll revenue. For non-price factor, it was estimated to cost 2.30 billion KRW. Based on the results, it was suggested that we should have appropriate level of bonus point for first initiator, change in scoring rule in construction subsidy part, adjustment of base score in evaluation.


정부조달(Government Procurement), 경쟁입찰(Competitive Bidding), 민간투자사업(Public Private Partnership Projects), 수익형 민간투자사업(BTO)

JEL Code

D44, H54, H41

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