KDI Journal of Economic Policy, March 2014
Vol.36, No.1 2014-03-10
Heterogeneity in the Effects of FDI on Firms’ Productivity in South Korea: A Quantile Regression Approach
Jae hoon Kim ; Bong Geul Chun (pp.1-42)
Calculation of Total Benefit by the Contingent Valuation Method for Cost-Benefit Analysis: Focusing on Income and Distance-Decay Effects
Jong yearn Lee (pp.43-80)
Monetary Policy in Open versus Closed Economies in the Presence of Distortions: ASimple Transformation and Its Applications
Kyu-Chul Jung (pp.81-106)
Testing Solow’s Implications on the Effective Development Policy
Hyeok Jeong (pp.107-126)