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  • P-ISSN 1738-656X

한국개발연구. Vol. 34, No. 2, June 2012, pp. 41-53

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Research Tournament and Competition Effect

Jung wook Kim

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Manuscript .


This paper investigates the effect of competition on innovative activity. In the research contest, the foremost reason for limiting entry into tournaments is to raise the level of contestant’s effort and to make the ?rms compete so that high value of innovation will be procured. Thus, a sponsor (or government) needs to take account into effort-inducing effect as well as effort-reducing effect from competition when she restricts entry. In this paper, this competition effect will be analyzed for the model of procurement for innovation, and it is shown that the individual effort level is not monotonic to the number of contestants.


Competition(경쟁), Innovation(혁신), Contest(연구개발 경쟁)

JEL Code

L1, D8

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