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  • P-ISSN 1738-656X

한국개발연구. Vol. 33, No. 2, June 2011, pp. 1-39

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Analysis on Korea’s Economic Volatility: Focusing on the Role of the Service Industry

Jae joon Lee

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Manuscript .


This study discusses the phenomenon behind various forms of macroeconomic volatility faced by countries in terms of industrial structure through empirical analysis, and in the process attempts to validate the role of the service industry. The analysis shows that economic fluctuations in Korea have been significantly improved, mainly due to the country risk. However, Korea is still exposed to the impact of external shocks, which is attributable to the manufacturing-centered industrial structure. Under such industrial structure, it is inevitable for the Korean economy to be continuously exposed to macroeconomic fluctuations caused by global sectoral shocks. So, in order to alleviate business fluctuations, it is necessary to enhance the role of non-tradable sectors that account for most of the service industry.


경기변동(Business Cycle), 변동성(Volatility)

JEL Code

E3, C1

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