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  • P-ISSN 1738-656X

한국개발연구. Vol. 32, No. 1, March 2010, pp. 69-96

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Reconsidering the Goal and Strategy of Regional Development Policy in Korea

Kwang-ho Kim

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Manuscript .


This paper aims to put forward some policy suggestions regarding the goal and strategies of the regional development policy in Korea. We first survey past regional policies and examine the regional disparity in Korea. It is found using the OECD data that although population and income are highly concentrated, inequalities of income and other living standards do not seem as problematic as to call for strong government intervention. Moreover, recent development in the new economic geography implies that the ‘capital vs. non-capital area’ framework that has been shaping the Korean regional development policy should be reconsidered. The main message of this paper is that it is not desirable for the central government to disperse agglomeration to enhance regional equity and that local governments should be responsible for regional development. Therefore enhancing the autonomy and accountability of the regional government is essential.


Regional Development Policy(지역개발정책), Balanced Regional Development(지역균형발전), Regional Disparity(지역 간 격차)

JEL Code

R11, R12, R58

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