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  • P-ISSN 1738-656X

한국개발연구. Vol. 27, No. 1, June 2005, pp. 81-122

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Characteristics and Economic Effects of Korean Firms’ R&D Investment

Joong hae Suh

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The paper aims to establish the characteristics of the Korean firms' R&D investment and to estimate the private rate of return to R&D investment. For the empirical analysis, a balanced panel data is constructed with 695 firms on 8 year observations. The panel data enables to characterize R&D investment of the Korean firms, which is mostly conformed to the 'stylized facts' of R&D investment that found in the previous studies on foreign firms. Klette model was used to estimate the private rate of return on R&D investment and depreciation rate of R&D capital. The paper estimates that the rate of return on R&D investment is 10.5% on average or 16.4% on median for the whole industry whereas manufacturing firms show 10.4% on average or 16.4% on median. The depreciation rate was estimated about 32.9% for whole industry, where it ranges from the minimum 11.6% for metal industry and 49.5% for services. The median estimate of the rate of return for R&D investment of Korean firms is roughly two times higher than real interest rates for the same period, which implies that R&D investment allows sizable rent in addition to the opportunity cost of capital investment.


연구개발투자(R&D Investment), 사적 수익률(Private Rate of Return), 한국기업(Korean Firms)

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