KDI Journal of Economic Policy, November 1990
Vol.12, No.3 1990-11-30
The Rice Price Support Program in the midst of Structural Change (Written in Korean)
김지홍 (pp.3-26)
Rapid Rural-Urban Migration and the Rural Economy in Korea (Written in Korean)
이번송 (pp.27-45)
What Can Koreans Learn from the Dutch Experiences in Reforming the Health Insurance System? (Written in Korean)
권순원 ; 선우덕 (pp.47-69)
An Overview of the Rationale of Monetary and Banking Intervention: The Role of the Central Bank in Money and Banking Revisited (Written in Korean)
좌승희 (pp.71-94)
The Welfare Effects of Advertising : The Economic Rationale for Regulation of Advertising (Written in Korean)
이규억 (pp.95-123)
Southern Cone Liberalization : Experiences and Lessons (Written in Korean)
박원암 (pp.125-151)
Strategic Antitrust Policy Promoting Mergers to Enhance Domestic Competitiveness (Written in Korean)
성소미 (pp.153-172)