KDI Journal of Economic Policy, May 2016

Vol.38, No.2 2016-05-31

Inference and Forecasting Based on the Phillips Curve
KUN HO KIM ; SUNA PARK (pp.1-20)
Private Equity as an Alternative Corporate Restructuring Scheme: Does Private Equity Increase the Operating Performance of PE-Backed Firms?
JA HYUN KOO (pp.21-44)
The Interaction between China, Japan, and Korea in the Export Market
Kyu-Chul Jung (pp.45-62)
The Impact of Government Support of Graduate Schools on the Research Productivity of Professors and Students
JIN-YEONG KIM (pp.63-85)
A Signaling Theory of Education under the Presence of Career Concerns
SUN JOO HWANG (pp.87-101)