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  • P-ISSN 1738-656X

한국개발연구. Vol. 34, No. 4, November 2012, pp. 91-116

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An Empirical Study on Employment during Crises in Korea

Suk ha Shin; Dong chul Cho

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This paper analyzes how the adverse impacts of the global financial crisis on Korea’s employment could be mitigated in comparison with the Asian crisis period. The results from error-correction models suggest that the less severe impacts during the global financial crisis could be attributed to (i) smaller GDP reduction, (ii) better maintenance of domestic demand despite a sharp fall of export, (iii) less serious over-employment during the run-up to the crisis, and (iv) less severe credit crunch. Analyses of OECD cross-country data provide corroborating evidence. In order to mitigate adverse impacts on employment, therefore, priority should be given to expansionary macroeconomic policies to keep aggregate domestic demand from collapsing once a crisis is triggered. Also crucial, however, is to maintain sound economic structures such as flexible labor market and adequately supervised financial market.


고용(Employment), 위기(Crisis)

JEL Code

E24, E32

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