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  • P-ISSN 1738-656X

KDI 정책연구. Vol. 26, No. 1, June 2004, pp. 37-69

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Determinants of Stock Market Participation Decision:

Kyung-Mook Lim

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Manuscript .


Using household survey data set during 1993~1998 period, this paper analyzes patterns and determinants of household stock market participation. The results shows that the age profile of stock market participation in Korean household is humped-shaped as in other developed countries. Also, households with a higher level and lower variability of income, bigger financial asset, and higher education level are more likely to be stockholders. The stock market participation rate of the self-employed is substantially lower than that of the employed. In Korea, the high proportion of self-employed among total labor force seems to lower the stock market participation rate.


주식시장 참여, 가계자산구성

JEL Code

G11, D1

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